Less than carload

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Russian: Мелкая отправка

Basic Terms and Definitions

Less than carload or Small dispatch - shipment from 20 kg to 20 tonnes, which is not required to provide a single wagon or container. By volume small dispatch should be no more than half of the capacity of the covered wagon and half container. Small dispatches transported in a covered and on the open rolling stock. Weight of one piece of small dispatch shall be:

  • For goods carried in the covered wagon, no less than 20 kg but not exceeding 1,500 kg;
  • For goods transported onto the open rolling stock, more than 1,500 kg;
  • For cargo transported in large containers, the mass of a single location should be less than 1500 kg;
  • For goods transported in containers, medium, weight of one piece must be less than or equal to 1,000 kg.

There are restrictions on the length of the cargo transported as a small dispatch: when transported in boxcars length of the package must not exceed 2 m.[1] In connection with the restructuring of the economy of Russia, the demand in the transportation of small shipments remains at a fairly high level. However, a significant part of small shipments transported by road. Rail transport is losing a significant part of the income. Less than carload shipments are high-loads mostly.

Key Issues for Improving Transport of Less than Carload Shipments

  • Packetization of small shipments
  • Switching of the small shipments to special post-luggage trains
  • Organization groupage containers to the provision of a certain volume of container to the client and the loading of the container by the shipper


  1. Правила перевозок грузов мелкими отправками на железнодорожном транспорте утверждены приказом МПС России от 29 марта 1999 г. N 11Ц
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